Last week I announced that I was training for my first marathon.
And really, I only announced it because once you say something out loud, it becomes too embarrassing to back out of.
So, in keeping with that line of thinking, my Monday posts for the next 16 weeks will be little blurbs on my training or my goals or my misery or my shoes or the songs on my ipod.
Starting with the basics:
The Austin Marathon
Training program?
Hal Higdon’s Marathon Training Guide for Novices
One pair New Balance, one pair Nike
Training Partners?
My sister (long distance so we’re keeping up via FitnessJournal)
My buddy Kathie (providing her IT band snaps back into shape)
Two as-of-yet uncommitted pals whom I hope to guilt into joining us
Favorite run?
Town Lake Trail
To finish.
And happy.
Not necessarily smiling. Just happy. Deep down.
Miles last week?
As Michael Jordan once said, "You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
So that’s what I’m up to this week.
Expecting something of myself…
Deep down happy. Now that’s a magnificent goal.
Let’s put it this way. It’s far more attainable than speed…
Go, baby, go! Do a little wave if you need a cheerleader.
Thanks, Kristy. I’m so impressed you’ve done TWO!
TadMack says: 🙂
*Dancing on sidelines*
Go Liz, go poet, go runner, go Liz…
Re: TadMack says: 🙂
Thank you kindly. I may just hallucinate you into the crowd scenes that day…
You go, DeDe! I am impressed! I can walk for miles but not run. I’m cheering you on from afar!