Marathon Monday 2

Marathon Monday is my new once-a-week, keep-it-up-because-I’m-too-embarrassed-to-quit-with-all-these-people-watching, marathon training post.

Last week, I laid out all the low-down nitty gritty.

This week, tidbits:

Mileage for the week — 17

Grand total since I started — 48 (which is a little disheartening when you figure that’s not even TWO marathons and it took me three weeks!)

Lowlights — Thursday morning I really and truly was still asleep for the first 1/3 of my run. I think I may have even had a dream. Also, it feels like I’m going to have to replace my shoes sooner rather than later.

Highlights — When you have to replace your shoes in Austin, Texas, you get to go to Runtex and they treat you with such attentive care that you feel like you’ve been to the spa. Or on a date. Something.

Other highlights — As I finished my run on Saturday, the sun rose, the sky glowed apricot, the rowing sculls came out in droves and two swans slept in the middle of the lake with their long necks tucked completely into their wings. You can’t get all that on a Stairmaster. And, best of all, my running partners are emerging from their injuries and joining me again!

Quote for the week — Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don’t think about them, I just do them.  The decision has already been made. – Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian

That’s what I’m looking at this week.
A lot of really decent tooth-brushing.

12 Responses to “Marathon Monday 2”

  1. kristydempsey

    Go, go, GO LIZ! We’re cheering for you. And I think I’m catching the bug again. You’ve got me considering a Fall 2009 marathon.

    I need to get to that tooth-brushing level with writing and running too. Thanks for the encouragement.

    • liz_scanlon

      Yes, tooth brushing in all the hard categories of life should be the goal, for sure.

      Can’t wait to hear which race you decide to run!!!

  2. imcoolerthanu2

    Oh, I *wish* workouts were like brushing my teeth. Sometimes when I’m pulling into the gym parking lot, I think, “Wait! Am I crazy? What am I doing?” I still go, though.