For those of you just catching up with the fact that it’s even April, welcome and wow are you in good company. Blame it on the leap year/time change/eclipse/fool’s day, but who knows what way is even up anymore???
Enter… haiku!
This is my 15th year of writing a haiku everyday in April and there have been a lot of benefits of the practice, but chief among those is the utter presence it offers. Who doesn’t need a nudge to pause, draw in, and pay attention?
This year I’m writing about something grateful for each day. Please join me in doing the same or your own variation, using the hashtags below, so that when May arrives we will really know it! And without further ado, here’s haiku #2, with gratitude for last night’s rain.
Each leaf’s pearly gloss
A glistening confetti
Celebrating life
I switched over from cherita to haiku and mine are in my IG stories.
The focus on gratitude is hopeful!