Haiku 5


bees drunk on milkweed
lantana and coneflower
let children slip past

There is something so sensual about spending a lazy afternoon at the Botanical Gardens with a slew of ten year olds.
Hopping rocks across the lily pond, stroking the lamb’s ear, sniffing the rosemary and lemon verbena…
"Being in an herb garden makes me want to chew," says my daughter.
And softly, with nothing really in our mouths, we do.

6 Responses to “Haiku 5”

  1. Anonymous

    tanita says:

    One of these days I’m going to plant some creeping thyme on the ground and roll in it. That’s what being in an herb garden makes me feel like.

    I love the image of you sort of ruminating on chewing greenery.

  2. Anonymous

    tanita says:

    One of these days I’m going to plant some creeping thyme on the ground and roll in it. That’s what being in an herb garden makes me feel like.

    I love the image of the two of you sort of ruminating on chewing greenery.