Haiku 25


the front yard is dirt
we dug up everything green
so we could start fresh

OK, so I seem to be stuck on the start fresh theme.
I guess by April I sort of need a few do-overs.
And honestly, our yard was already mostly dirt.
Now we’re just going to try to really grow some stuff in it….

4 Responses to “Haiku 25”

  1. laurasalas

    I love this–I constantly feel in need of do-overs. Beginning of the week, month, year, school year, new writing assignment, different sports season, new fruit in season…anything is a good excuse for a fresh start:>)

  2. susanwrites

    I love starting over fresh in a yard. Just three years ago we took out both lawns, front and back, and planted our native gardens. The backyard is so lush and green (with hardly any water) and just makes me feel wonderful every time I look out the window or go sit outside.

    Good luck on your gardening adventure.