Acts of Kindness

Yesterday was my husband’s birthday and he spent pretty much the whole of it driving a Bobcat through an envisioned garden plot at the elementary school. It was hot out; there was a lot of soil to be scraped and rock to be moved, and he just kept chugging from his water jug and carrying on.
The girls and I joined him for part of it – they rode their scooters around and around the sidewalks and nobody whistled at them to knock it off. 
There’s something thrilling and mysterious about being at school on a Sunday.
By three o’clock, the bed had been laid, and big, red, licheny boulders had been set. 
We were eating sub sandwiches and heading for the swimming pool to cool off.
I love the new rocky area that’s like a creek, the girls said.
I love driving great big noisy heavy machinery, the husband said.
I love a guy who’ll spend his birthday helping to make an eensy teensy corner of the world more beautiful, I said.
And you know what ole’ Aesop would say:
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
 Happy Birthday, Honey. And thanks…

2 Responses to “Acts of Kindness”

  1. Anonymous

    happy belated birthday to the K man. what a guy.