A Beam of Light: In Honor of Mary Lee Hahn

This week is all about celebrating Mary Lee, retiring from teaching after 37 years, after so many lives inspired and touched. Here’s to the days ahead, friend — the days of poetry on the page and on the river. Knowing that the ripple effects of all the good you’ve done will last forever.

This Beam of Light
for Mary Lee Hahn – Poet, Teacher, Flycaster, Friend

Laying the long line upon the water
with such quiet care
it might as well be a beam
of light, a bit of a poetry (just
a few words, just the right ones)
landing as if they’d always been there,
waiting to be plucked up
by a thousand children, hungry
for what’s right in front of them –
the whole world in a drop
of water, barely
making a ripple
on the surface,
but patiently

(Art by Marcus Cline)


Poetry Friday is at Wondering and Wondering today — and you’ll find lots more love for Mary Lee there!

14 Responses to “A Beam of Light: In Honor of Mary Lee Hahn”

  1. Irene Latham

    A beam of light indeed! Liz, this poem is gorgeous and so very exactly Mary Lee. Love!

  2. Denise Krebs

    This seems to be a beautiful description of Mary Lee’s poetry and depth:
    “the whole world in a drop
    of water,”
    Maybe a description of the depth of poetry itself.
    Lovely tribute, Liz.

  3. tanita♥

    The whole world in a drop — way down deep, a little distilled wisdom. LOVELY.

  4. Linda Baie

    I wish I could tell you a favorite line, Liz, but they are all favorites. This is so lovely, reads like one that needs to be read aloud!

  5. Kathryn Apel

    A delicately poised poem, Liz, from your beam of light to barely making a ripple. I feel that Mary Lee will know these moments.

  6. Mary Lee

    Thanks for making me cry! I love this so much. It also makes me laugh, because along with those lines laid down gently in the water, there have been plenty of hooks in the trees behind me and spaghetti-tangles of said line (with the corresponding blunders in classroom and life). But let’s just focus on the successes for today. 🙂 Thank you for this gift, and for teaching and inspiring me through your poems and books.