This month, my Poetry Sisters and I are taking another look back, hindsight being 20/20 and all that. I returned to March 2018, when we wrote ekphrastic poems based on this image from The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado:
In my post at the time, I admitted that I “had in mind a formal response but it didn’t happen.” Well, that sounded like a challenge to me. So, here’s the pantoum I didn’t write a couple of years ago!
Stones to Sand
Liz Garton Scanlon
Are you balanced or are you stuck
It’s not obvious from here
What is fate and what’s mere luck
Do you succumb or do you steer?
It’s not obvious from here
I’m at arm’s length, I cannot see
Do you succumb or do you steer
The stones to sand, the sand to sea
I’m at arm’s length, I cannot see
The waking dream, the beating heart
The stones to sand, the sand to sea
The what’s-been-altered since the start
The waking dream, the beating heart
The settled world, now thunderstruck
Oh, what’s-been-altered since the start
Are you balanced, are you stuck?
Now… before you zip off to read all the others, an announcement. Or rather, an invitation. After more than a decade of writing together and several years of monthly assignments, my Poetry Sisters and I wondered if any of you might like to play along? Here’s what we propose: Once we agree to our poetic prompts and calendar, we’ll share them with you and invite you to write and share, too. We’ll remind you once a month or so (via our various social media megaphones) and you’re welcome to tag us (or not) when you post.
Now, to that end, here’s what’s cooking for June, posting on June 26th, the last Friday of the month: The theme is susurrus, or an image of thick woods, in whatever form we wish! Join us?
Until then, here are a few more poems from this month’s prompt.
Stay safe and well, friends!
Tricia’s Poem
Laura’s Poem
Sara’s Poem
Rebecca’s Poem
Tanita’s Poem
Andi’s Poem
Kelly’s Poem
And Poetry Friday is over at A Year of Reading today! (Hi, Mary Lee!)