Poetry Project — June 2017

A golden shovel poem is kind of like a parlor game or a puzzle.
You take one line from a poem and use each word in that line as the end words for each line in a new poem.

In this case, my poetry sister Kelly chose Hopkins’ Pied Beauty, which is so exquisite it feels almost wrong to deconstruct it. But deconstruct it we did!!

I used the very first line as my Golden Shovel and I’ll admit I cheated a bit, making the first word my title instead of my first end word. I hope Gerard Manley would understand. Anyway, here goes. Enjoy!

Pied Beauty, by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Glory be to God for dappled things –
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough;
And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.

Glory, by Liz Garton Scanlon

To be a girl with a pony in the late yellow light, to be
witness to cowbirds and huge round clocks of hay, to
be a girl with a barebacked pony, to be witness to God –
no less than God is this! – this mane, this hill, this whisper for
her to Giddy up, Glory, Giddy up, into today all dappled.
What glory, to be a girl with so many splendored things.

And here are my Poetry Sisters’ poems….


Poetry Friday is at Buffy’s Blog today!

Things To Do — Poetry Project Poems for May, 2017

Oh, this month’s challenge felt lovely, light and fun to me. I could’ve kept writing and writing. It’s Friday today and the weekend feels spacious, so maybe I will! These are seasonal “Things To Do” poems — and there are lots more to read if you visit my Poetry Sisters’ sites too. (Do!)

Things To Do If You’re April
as summer one day
(all opulent green and
and purple, the exact scent
of grape punch) and then,
like a harlequin, become winter
again, wearing a quiet white mask

Things To Do If You’re Lantana
Grow like a weed

Things To Do If You’re a Squirrel
Scurry, Scurry, Scurry

Things To Do If You’re an Oak
Settle into who you’re meant to be
Take up all the space you need
Scatter acorns
Spread sticky pollen
Touch the tops of other people’s houses
Everything is under your influence

Things To Do If You’re May
Help us graduate
From this season to that
Help us begin something new


And for more poems of all varieties, the wonderful Jama’s hosting Poetry Friday today!

Haiku 30 — April 30

I’m at yet another diving meet.
I never get tired of diving meets.
They’re not really the kind of thing one grows tired of.
If one has a nervous system. If you know what I mean.

Haiku 30

I have gotten good
at gasping under my breath.
You don’t know I’m scared.

And, with that, I’ll say, Goodbye, April. So long haiku. Till next year!
Thanks for joining me, friends!

Haiku 29 — April 29

Wishing my husband a happy birthday today.
A day of joy and pleasure.
A year of ease and also adventure.

Haiku 29

Hey! It’s your birthday!
Let this year be your best yet
and I will come along.

Haiku 27 — April 27

Haiku 27

If you board a plane
why not be slack-jawed and stunned?
Why not be amazed?

Haiku 26 — April 26

Haiku 26

If you have to eat
you might as well eat with friends.
(You know who you are.)

Haiku 25 — April 25

Haiku 26

I spend so much time
driving there and back again.
Existential angst!

Haiku 24 — April 24

Our time with Joy — our visiting student from Nigeria — has come to an end.
How we will miss her. She taught us a lot about being open and fearless.
Travel safely, Joy!

Haiku 24

Two weeks just flies by
when you are learning so much
and laughing so hard.

Haiku 23 — April 23

Haiku 23

I wasn’t picked last
for my birthday kickball game.
Fifty’s not all bad.

Haiku 22 — April 22

Today we launched our book BOB, NOT BOB at a storytime at BookPeople in Austin, Texas.

This book — a collaborative effort between me and author Audrey Vernick and illustrator Matt Cordell — actually came out in February but today’s the day we celebrated it. With cupcakes. And cough drops. And kleenex and ginger ale and nose spray. Y’know, the usual.

Haiku 22

Book dedications
say each one is for someone.
This one is for you.