Poetry Princess Project — July

It’s hard to believe we’re more than half-way through this year of form challenges.
The whole thing has been equal parts hard and dreamy, really.
And this month, no exception.

So our agreed-upon challenge was to write a poem “In the style of….” and we finally decided to write “in the style of” e.e. cummings. Because who, pray tell, writes in a more recognizable style than e.e.?

We each chose a different poem, wrote our own piece based upon the original, and then recorded that piece so that we could experience the echo both on the page and aurally.

It was tricky to decide how closely we should hew to e.e.’s pieces, but what he offered up in terms of language and sensuality and risk and playfulness? WOW. What a pleasure. So, humbly, I offer up my poem, in the style of:


i liked you when you were curled within

me and now you are so yes a new thing.

Touch tiny and drift more.

i like your cry. i like how it calls me,

i like its round lips. i like to feel the weight

of your still-soft skull against my neck, and the ache

pain-love ness and the what will

always and always and always

be, i like knowing the almost all of you,

i like, slowly seeing the, deep tunnel

of parts I’ll never plumb, and the wholeness

inside out… And heart-blinking baby,


certainly this mother love

of mine, for you, so yes so new.


And here is that very same poem read aloud!

And here is the poem it was based upon….


Finally, here are my poetry sisters’ poems and recordings:

Kelly Fineman

Andi Sibley

Laura Purdie Salas

Sara Lewis Holmes

Tanita Davis

Tricia Stohr-Hunt


(Find links to even more awesome poetry at this week’s Poetry Friday host, The Logonauts!)

Fare well, friends. Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend.



Poetry Princess Project — June

Ode: A poem in which a person expresses a strong feeling of love or respect for someone or something.

My poetry gals and I had sort of exhausted ourselves with pantoums, raccontinos, sestinas and other such ambitious craziness.

So. Yes, we said. Odes! Simple odes. Odes with no particular rules (although some odes do indeed utilize rhyme and other, more subtle directions and parameters.) Well, wait, actually — we did agree that we’d try to make them a little bit funny.

Here’s mine!


An Ode to Curls, and to my Girls


High praise to the frizz I tried to flatten

every day for decades – with a hairbrush,

a hot iron, a hand drier…


Acclaim to the curls I attempted to condition

into compliance, stretching and pulling 

into silky sheets of shine (until they dried)…


An ovation to the corkscrews of crazy,

which at weddings and whatnot

behaved like bad Uncle Bruce – unpredictable,

and there without a proper invitation…


Commendations to my mop top

that doesn’t match the magazines

and is a model, in fact, of opposition,

of unapologetic civil disobedience!


My utmost regard to this mane of mine:

outrageous and tempermental, untamed

by time, unpacified by product,

in its very boldness not unlike

my daughters — my daughters! — wild

and alive with audacity.


PS — This is a little bit of a random segue, but my mom sent me this picture this week so I have to share it. It’s my sister and me with our dad and you can clearly see here where my curls came from. (And that’s my sister, the cute one in the front with the glossy hair. I’m all sunglassed up in the back. It was the 70s, dudes.)

Scan 14

Now, here’s Kelly’s very brilliant piece about the F-word!

And Andi’s lovely, wry words on knitting….

And then there’s Sara’s — I’m not going to tell you what it’s about. You just have to go with it.

Laura’s celebrates junk food with moxie ya’ll,

Tanita’s language orgy (sorry, but it is, in all the best ways) about baubles and beads,

and Tricia’s — oh you guys. She was the first to finish and she took the humor mandate really seriously. If that’s a possible thing.

Someday — Video Interview with Shafer Power

Here’s something fun, you guys.
I was introduced to this fun Dad-son-daughter trio who have a blog going called SOMEDAY.
SOMEDAY is about getting the kids to interact with folks who have interesting jobs.
And they decided “interesting jobs” includes “children’s author”.

So, yay! My first video interview with kid journalists — Owen and Melia.
Enjoy — I did! 🙂


Poetry Princess Project — May

I was traveling today so I’m sliding in under the wire here with my pantoum. There’s the form (which you’ll notice requires quatrains, and numerous repeating lines) and then we chose to use the words certainty and/or flight (or, in my case, fly).

I worked on two different poems this month and didn’t adore either one, but this is the one I’m most comfortable with.


So Much of Who You Are


So much of who you are is what you’re called

like a hermit crab becomes his empty shell.

Be it oddball, beauty, class clown, geek,

it’s certain and prescriptive as a mother cell.


Like a hermit crab, becoming his empty shell

or maybe more a puzzle, the chicken and the egg?

Is it certain and prescriptive as a mother cell

or do you name the name yourself, by who you are?


Maybe more a puzzle, the chicken and the egg:

First you breathe, then squawk, then try to fly.

You name the name yourself, by who you are

I’m here and true, myself, beloved til I die


First you breathe, then squawk, then try to fly

Whether oddball, beauty, class clown, geek

Say, I’m here and true, myself, beloved til I die

So much of who you are is what you’re called


All my poetry sisters wrote them too, and ya’ll, they are GOOD!!!
This is a weak way of doing this, but I’m just going to link to Kelly’s here and then you can follow HER links to everyone else’s. Is that ok?

Cheers, gang….

Final Haikus

Yesterday was my honey’s birthday. So, this….


Haiku 29
April 29, 2015

It’s not really cold
but we circle a fire,
toast another year



And today? Today is the last day of April. The last day of National Poetry Month.
The last day of daily haikus. At least for now…
Thanks so much for reading and writing along with me.

Haiku 30
April 30, 2015

Bikes at the trailhead
All locked up and left behind
Go on foot from here


Last Full Week of Haiku

My month of haiku-ing is wrapping up and I have to say, I’m sad to see it go.
There is something so small but essential for me about this tiny act of noticing.

In the midst of earthquakes and civil rights breakdowns and more personal heartbreaks, haiku is a way to take a breath and, also, to breathe something back into the world that might be a little lovely. Or hopeful. Or true. Haiku doesn’t fix any of these monumentally big and daunting crises, but it doesn’t ignore them either. It stands alongside them and says let’s not forget to notice, in the midst of everything. Let’s not forget to breathe.

Haiku 22
April 22, 2015

Egg, soup, berries, wine
What a world, that gives us this!
All this, and you too…



Haiku 23
April 23, 2015

Artist, canvas, paint
She’s so busy noticing
Doesn’t notice me



Haiku 24
April 24, 2015

Black and wet and gray
The whole day is colorless
Except the radar



Haiku 25
April 25, 2015

The rain delivers
a whole park-full of mushrooms:
fairy brigadoon



Haiku 26
April 26, 2015

To leap, plunge and gasp,
strip the whole, hot day away:
water’s reminder



Haiku 27
April 27, 2015

A walk with the dog
can feel just so important
that the dinner burns



Haiku 28
April 28, 2015

All the world rages
All the world weeps, screams, falls, quakes
But this babbles, shines


Another Week of Haiku!

Well, that week flew by like lightning. Sheesh.

The annual Texas Library Association Conference — so much goodness in one place it’s just hard to put it into words.
But I tried! 🙂

Haiku 15
April 15, 2015

Oh, librarians
You love books and I love you
We both love readers


And then it rained….

Haiku 16
April 16, 2015

Each drop leaves traces
of having been real and here
What an impression!



And then everything glowed green….

Haiku 17
April 17, 2015

Blessed be the green
kneeling at a city’s feet
Humble but sacred




And then it was the weekend!

Haiku 18
April 18, 2015

There is something about
pecan trees and mandolins
I’ll sleep well tonight


And then it rained again!

Haiku 19
April 19, 2015

The morning after:
Boughs and branches littering
the rain-swollen creek



And then, a Monday…

Haiku 20
April 20, 2015

A cloud-covered day
All the news is cold and grim
Then, these little suns



And finally, a normal day. A dog walk. Cool breeze. Happiness…

Haiku 21
April 21, 2015

The dog as dervish
spins, whirls, erases real time
This is nirvana


A Week of Haikus

Since the beginning of April, I’ve continued my daily practice of writing haiku, and they’ve made it up onto facebook but I’ve missed posting here. So, without further delay, here are haikus 8-14.

Haiku 8
April 8, 2015

There are other paths —
fruitful, dead-end, better, worse
I’ll walk here for now





Haiku 9
April 9, 2015

Bright whisper of red
A taunt, a dare from the day
Then he flies away



Haiku 10
April 10, 2015

Broken bark, peeled shell
The tenderness underneath
Still whole and standing



Haiku 11
April 11, 2015

Best part of road trip:
Daughter reading Penderwicks
aloud to her mom



Haiku 12
April 12, 2015

Can’t see my way home
Heading straight into the sun
But clouds clear things up



Haiku 13
April 13, 2015

Beach glass sanded smooth
Each cutting edge rounded down
Will we soften too?

Haiku 14
April 14, 2015

Oh, bamboo — you’re back?
Sisyphus got off easy
I chop and you thrive


Haiku 7 — April 7, 2015

Some days, on their face, don’t feel especially poetic.
So you just have to look a little harder.

For humor, too.
On those days, days like today, it’s good to look for what’s lovely and what’s funny.


Haiku 7
April 7, 2015

Heard at college fair:
Fifty-four thousand dollars?
As in, REAL dollars?


Haiku 6 — April 6, 2015

Everyone I know right now is sneezing.
My daughter actually texted me from the school bus this afternoon to try to describe the magnitude of one of her sneezes.
Really, the whole situation is out of hand.

I love Spring.
And I love live oaks.
But really?


Haiku 6
April 6, 2015

Neon-green pollen?
Don’t be such a show-off, Oak.
We know you’re alive.
