Today it is April — my favorite month of the year.
Because of birthdays — my own and my sweetheart's.
And because of the weather.
And because National Poetry Month offers up an excuse to write and read poetry round the clock.
Welcome to another year of daily haikus.
Join me — either as a reader or, write your own!
It will make you happy, I promise…
When you've been in a long, deep drought, the earth responds with the most incredible giddy vigor when it finally rains.
We've had nice easy soaks a number of times this winter and now it is a riotous, colorful spring.
Flowers push through every fence and line the highways; folks wear them tucked into baseball caps and lapels.
But, also flourishing?
And backyard bamboo.
And pollen.
weeds sprout overnight
green grass yellows with pollen
I am my yard's fool