So yesterday, at the grocery store, I found myself in front of the little reading glasses kiosk —
because I was having a hard time reading the nutritional low-down on the falafel mix.
(I’m aware this makes me sound both nerdy and exceedingly crunchy.)
While spinning the rack and slipping on a cute pair of red +1.50s, I was joined by a guy who looked to be about my age. Or maybe I’m just saying that because we met in front of the reading glasses.
Anyway, he said, "You know it’s bad when you can’t even read your own texts."
And he proceeded to grab a pair and stand there with his iPhone, corresponding.
I laughed and we bantered a bit about font size and denial.
I’ve got a pair of readers at home, though truth be told, my husband’s co-opted them so I usually go it on my own.
I think I’ve felt younger without them.
But straining over the falafel mix isn’t young, it’s just silly.
Tools are to be used.
Mortar, pestle, thesaurus, reading glasses.
Moving forward, friends…