I had quite a day yesterday.
Our book came out.
There was this awesome post at Jama Rattigan’s alphabet soup and this awesome interview
at 7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast.
There were these world balloons from my sister.
But the highlight was popping into a bookstore to do a little recognizance while my Tall One was at swim team.
(Does a book release mean that the book is actually out there, y’know, in stores?
Inquiring minds wanted to know.)
My Small One and I stole in stealthily.
We feigned interest in cookbooks.
We sauntered toward the children’s section.
We stopped and looked at the maps.
And then…
she spied it first.
I followed with my cell phone open:
And just as I was about to buy myself a copy to celebrate, I ran into a woman I know who happens to be a teacher.
So she bought one!
For her class.
I signed it to Tina and the Golden Lions.
Please let this serve as my official thank you note to Jama and Jules and Tina and my sister and all of you who cheered and whooped and hollered with me. It made for a really, really, really special day.
Plus (as if that’s not enough), yesterday marked the launch of my brand new much improved way prettier and more functional web site!!!!
My very dear friend Shannon Lowry of Round Robin Press designed it in her lovely, whimsical and inimitable way (thank you, Shannon!)… my other very dear friend Sarah Bork Hamilton is the mighty fine eye behind the bio pic (thank you, Sarah!)… and faster-than-a-speeding bullet Jenny Medford of Websy Daisy built the site (thank you, Jenny!).
I hope you’ll stop by for a visit and to sign up for my email list so I can keep you apprised of happenings.
Not like daily tweets or anything.
Just the very occasional happening.
That I think you might be interested in.
I promise…