As part of this week’s mega update on all things processy, I decided to share the good, bad and ugly.
Because otherwise… well… I would be lying.
About how I pretty much think up great ideas in the morning and hang on the beach drinking pina coladas in the afternoon.
Most days are kind of not very much like that.
And some are the polar opposite.
In fact, a whole bunch of those polar opposite days have hung themselves to the rafters of one of my manuscripts.
You know it as Wind but I occasionally refer to it as "that cursed Wind" or "that blasted Wind". If you get my drift.
So, a little backstory.
My very first drafts of this story are from 2003.
It lived at a publishing house (without a contract) for almost 2 years before being squeaked out of the final aquisition step.
Which was a bitter pill.
But I revised it and I got it back out there.
Blasted Wind.
And then, in 2007, it found its way into the waiting arms of Allyn Johnston (then at Harcourt).
We revised and revised and revised and it was about ready to go (with Marla Frazee illustrating) when I wrote All the World. And in our excitement over that project, we sort of kicked Wind to the curb. With every intention of coming back later to pick ‘er up and dust ‘er off.
Well. It’s later.
It’s been later for awhile now.
I spent a chunk of time in the fall revising it.
One time I literally started from scratch.
It was as if I was getting further from understanding it the longer I lived with it.
So, in November, we decided to put it back on hold.
Cursed Wind.
Sometimes I wonder if its role in my life was just to introduce me to Allyn and Marla so we could get All the World made.
Sometimes I wonder if it’s just been a very long and sustained exercise in futility craft.
And then other times, I’m sure that the hold is temporary and that it will see the light of day as a book someday soon.
I’ve dreamt about it more than once.
(But then, I recently had a dream about my husband eating plastic children’s toys, so don’t give too much credence to my subconscious…)
The truth is, I don’t know what’s next for Wind, but I can tell you that you needn’t be watching the catalogs for it.
Not now.
Not yet.