Remember when we were doing a remodel at our house?
And then we finished it?
Well, because we don’t like inertia ’round here, we promptly started an addition.
Which is akin to hitting your thumb with a hammer so your head doesn’t ache so bad…
But honestly.
This project’s not as full of impact so far, what with the working stove, sink and washing machine.
Mostly we just have to remember that if we step out the back door we’ll plunge into a bottomless pit.
No biggie.
But this weekend is full of tasks that include emptying our current bedroom so it can be carved up into smaller, more efficient pieces.
I wasn’t going to post today because:
1. It’s a Saturday
2. I have all these tasks that include emptying our current bedroom so it can be carved up into smaller, more efficient pieces.
But then I decided that I was going to post today because:
1. I have all these tasks that include emptying our current bedroom so it can be carved up into smaller, more efficient pieces.
2. And I need something to procrastinate with.
So, here are a few random bits of life to share with ya’ll on this bright and lovely Saturday:
1. I am honored and psyched to be a member of this year’s Cybils’ Poetry Panel! (Not to be confused with Sybil, the movie with Sally Field about living with multiple personalities, I assure you.) THIS Cybils is the Children’s & Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards, and I’m among very illustrious colleagues on the judging committee. Giddy, giddy — and that’s before I even have a stack of books in hand! Stay tuned… and thanks for the invite, Cybils Team!
2. Last night we walked to a dark and open spot in our neighborhood and watched as the International Space Station rushed by. You guys? The Space Station travels faster than 17,000 miles per hour. Seriously. That is crazy fast. It moves like an airplane but is high as a star and looks like one. Our youngest was last night’s spotter, and we’re going for it again tonight. Check out this page to find out when & where it’ll be in your sky.
3. I make my own kombucha now. Here’s the deal. When I quit caffeine, I felt justified in buying very delicious and expensive bottles of GT Kombucha, but I started thinking it would be a shame if my kids couldn’t go to college someday because I’d spent all our extra pennies on fruity-vinegary probiotics. So, I was given a live culture (it works sort of like sourdough starter in this way) and started brewing. Visitors think we’ve got our own organ donation program going — it ain’t pretty — but my first batch (dolled up with ginger and fresh raspberry juice) was mighty cheap and mighty fine.
4. If you live in Texas, these are the important dates to remember in regards to the upcoming election:
October 6—-last day to register to vote
October 20—first day of early voting
October 28—last day to apply for a ballot by mail
October 31–last day of early voting
November 4–Election Day
If you live elsewhere, double check your own deadlines so you can line up and cast your ballot in 44 days. Don’t disenfranchise yourself!
That’s all folks. I’m going to pack up our shoes and bedding…
Happy weekend…