Look, I’m all for swimming and water balloons and sleeping in, but a girl’s gotta have a good stack of books by her bed in the summertime.
We’ve already been to the library three times since school let out.
My daughters each have their own card, & they nearly buckle under the weight of the tomes they check out.
The big hits so far:
The Amelia books
The Boxcar books
The SOS File
The Pixie Tricks books
Love, Ruby Lavender
Because of Winn Dixie
The Fudge Books
and lots and lots of books about Japan
They’re going through a book or two a day.
At this rate, their fingertips are gonna get calloused and their eyesight’s gonna go.
I remember my own frayed, paper library card from when I was a kid — and the stacks of Nancy Drew books I’d bring home to read by flashlight. When we moved to the hinterlands of Wisconsin, there was a BookMobile which is pretty much as close to magic as an automobile can get without turning into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Our experience here is a bit more urban and we’ve got branches galore to choose from, but the magic still holds.
A library is a great leveler in life; we’re all equal in the stacks, each with a heart and mind just aching to be opened. How about making a run up to yours this afternoon?