Haiku 12, April 12, 2016

My daughters were lucky enough to go to a sweet little neighborhood school — like if we ever forgot a bike there afterschool it was still in the rack the next morning, even if it was unlocked. Like all the kids knew the lunch monitors and custodians by name. Like, time flew….

But even as it did, one solid consistent loving miraculous element was the librarian — she’d been there loooong before we arrived (and when I say long, I mean decades) and she was there long after we’d moved on to middle and high school. She knew, and I am not exaggerating one bit, what every kid in school liked to read.

Well, last year she retired (I never realized she was mortal until then) and this year, today in fact, that school library has been re-named in her honor. We love you, Ms. Kraal. You’re magic.


Name your library
after a lover of books
and a champ of children

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