Haiku 8 AND UPDATES — April 8, 2024

The beginning of April has been decidedly rushed and bumpy for me, friends, so I haven’t been able to be nearly as thoughtful about my haiku making or community building as I usually am. It really matters to me, though, so I’m going to take a few moments here to check in and catch us all up and make sure we’re moving forward from the same poetic page.

1. First, I want to acknowledge that much of our most vital haiku connections these past few years were made via Twitter. It was a beautiful thing. And, I can’t do it over there anymore, folks. I’m truly sorry if that’s a disappointment. I still have an account but I don’t do any active posting or reading and I haven’t for months, so here we are. I do post the poems every day on my blog (and you can subscribe so you don’t need to remember to look), and on Instagram and Facebook. I’m using the same hashtags (#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth) as I have in the past and I would love to commune with you still. We will figure this out.

2. Haiku is a tiny, beautiful Japanese form that is three lines long. The westernized version counts syllables (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables) and I tend to use that in my practice (I love constraints) but it’s not mandatory. Traditionally, haiku feature the natural world, refer (overtly or obliquely) to a season, and make a turn in tone, theme, or perspective after the 2nd or 3rd line. Sometimes I’m very attendant to these rules, sometimes I’m far sloppier. Do with them what you may.

3. I have been writing daily haiku every April for 15 years and have used various prompts and parameters to keep me honest. Some years I’ve typed every poem, or written about planets or colors or scientific processes. Some years I’ve used photos to accompany each one. This year I’m keeping things very general, within the broad idea of Things I’m Grateful For.

4. Toward that end, the first seven days of this round were tiny tips of the hat toward:

  • 1 – Spring
  • 2 – Rain
  • 3 – Flowers/Roses
  • 4 – My birthday
  • 5 – Coffee
  • 6 – Friendship
  • 7 – The Moon/Eclipse

And, here we are on day 8!
Today I’m feeling grateful for seeds and all their possibilities.

Haiku 8

A glowy halo
like my hair on a hot day
or a far flung wish


Thanks for sticking with me friends.
See you tomorrow.

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