Marathon Monday 7

Well, suffice it to say that vacation did a mean little number on my marathon training.
I am slower than I was before the holidays.
And more afraid.

Still, letting bygones be bygones, I will look back just at this one single week.
Back on track.

Mileage for the week: 36 miles
Longest run: 18 miles
High point: Finishing the 18 mile run
Higher point: Going to bed that night at 8:45
Highest point: Not having to run 18 miles the next morning

Quote for the week:

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. — Confucius

And now, with proof that I do have a life (but still with a slow and slogging undercurrent), I am back deeeeeeep in a manuscript so I must run off.

I don’t mean run literally, though.

You understand.

6 Responses to “Marathon Monday 7”

  1. bartography

    18 a day?

    Holy moly, Liz — 18 miles a day? I pat myself on the back if I manage 18 miles in a week and a half.

    Keep up the good work, both on the page and on your feet. Slowly is just fine…

  2. Anonymous

    I’m in love

    with you and all that you say about your life and its lessons and tasks. you’re amazing. And I mean that in a super approachable admirable way.
