Poetry Project — July 2024

Nine years ago we wrote some Want Ad haiku, and they were fun!

So, in the spirit of doing what we love at least once a decade, here we go again, although this time we’re using our neighborhood Buy Nothing groups as inspiration.

Oh, and from me an extra caveat. I’m currently trying to be on vacation, thus the brevity of this post, and the subject matter of my poems. Happy July, all!



Free for the taking:

this solitary morning

still as a stopped clock



Free for the asking:

Undivided attention

and my ringer off



9 Responses to “Poetry Project — July 2024”

  1. Tabatha

    I just love your haiku, especially the second one– how valuable is undivided attention?? And the ringer off, no less.
    Hope you’re having a good time!

  2. Denise Krebs

    Liz, good for you! Ringer off and undivided attention sounds like a great vacation. I love the photo that goes with your first poem. That water looks “still as a stopped clock”

  3. Rose Cappelli

    “still as a stopped clock” – perfect! Hope you had a wonderful vacation.

  4. Tricia

    I love the way you’ve paired these haiku together. The simile in your first haiku is glorious.
    Enjoy your time away!

  5. Mary Lee Hahn

    Separately these are fantastic, but together…ahh…perfection!