Stuff That’s Great Good — Stories

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Hey friends. There was an amazing full moon and a very pretty sky this weekend. Did you see it? It made me think of Paul and Ivy and a discussion they have in The Great Good Summer. When Ivy suggests that Paul knows more about the myths of the sky than he does about the stories of the Bible, Paul says they’re really not all that different:

“Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are a mother and a child. They’ve been through all sorts of terrible stuff, including getting turned into bears, but they end up right next to each other forever in the sky. Doesn’t that sound like the sort of ending you’d get in the Bible?”


Star Stories and Bible Stories
So let’s say he’s right! Here are some of those stories, ones that Ivy and Paul would both like an awful lot…

Greek Myths of the Zodiac

Stars — Myths, Legends and Lore

Book of Ruth summary

The Jane Hamilton novel by the same name!


Share and Win!
Remember that I’ll be doing a drawing — the last one! — at the end of this week. Simply read, like, comment or share to be entered! And thanks….