Summer Goals Meme

I have to admit that I usually say no, thank you to memes.

I think it’s sort of appalling how much 80s music is still alive in my head; I don’t want to feed the beast by talking about it. 

Ditto — bad haircuts, bad habits and most embarrassing memories.

But the lovely Jen Robinson tagged me to talk about summer goals, and since it is nearly one hundred degrees here in the heart o’ Texas, it seems like the appropriate time to give it a thought.

Numero uno:

My top priority this summer is to put down the laptop and step away from the overwhelm. 
I want to be present and joyful with my kids and my husband, my family and my friends, and myself. 

I want to swim. 
A lot. 

Quite frequently. 

A ton.

A bit.



I want to single- rather than multi-task, say no when I need to and yes when I want to, and generally enjoy the fact that I have the health and the time and the privelege to take it down a notch this season.

Numero dos:
I’m only teaching one class this summer.
It’s online, and I want to enjoy it. 

I want to wallow in my students’ evolving work, share with them what I’m able to share, and try to convey the joy of poetry as viscerally as the nuts & bolts of the craft.

Since Jen called me out specifically in regards to exercise, I’d better rise to the occasion.

This summer I want to keep my mileage up and running shoes handy, I want to take my yoga practice with me on vacation, and I want to swim. Pretty much every day. That’s the plan.

Read, read, read. 
The novels on my bedside table and then some.
Plenty of good adult fodder but also, like last summer, I want to read any of the big award winners I haven’t gotten to yet. 

And I’m starting at the library.

Now then.
If you want to put a little thought into your summer, consider yourself tagged!

34 Responses to “Summer Goals Meme”

  1. Anonymous

    I think your summer goals are perfectly prioritized. In fact, they would work for just about any day of the year for me. Nap. Read. Blog. Talk. Listen.

    Right on.

    Jules, 7-Imp

  2. saralholmes

    Aw, man….you had to go and make your goals lyrical, too. I know a few company mission statements that could use you. 🙂

    I’m going to try to do mine tomorrow. Try. That’s Goal One: trying to take goal setting seriously.

  3. jensbookpage

    Thanks for playing, Liz. I usually say no, thank you, to memes, too. But, like Sara, I’m very impressed with how you were able to make yours lyrical. And I really like “be present and joyful”.

  4. Anonymous

    summer intentions!

    Are the most fun to make. It’s what we talked about tonight too. So we are perfectly in sync.

    See you at the pool. Or the library. Or on your blog.


      • Anonymous

        Re: summer intentions!

        you are hi-larious.
        p.s. keep us posted on your reading list, puh-leeze.

  5. cloudscome

    I like this meme too. I’m with you on slowing down, saying “no” more often and “yes” more joyfully. One of my goals is to leave a lot of empty time – even if it means things don’t get done. I think I’ll be blogging less. I’m hoping to get some projects done around the house. And I’ll definitely be at the pool, the Y and the library.

  6. stevem08

    focusing on goals

    I’ve got a handful of goals quotes that I keep around on little cards or even scraps of paper. Here is one of my favorites:
    “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.”
    ~ Michelangelo

    (You can find more Goal quotes at