Up — The Sun
Down — Sunburns
Up — Swimming
Down — Swimmer’s ear
Up — Travel
Down — Travel Expenses
Up — No School
Down — No School
Y’know what I mean?
I have to say, I relish not packing another lunch bag or filling out another form or helping with another sheet of homework.
I relish reading longer and later each night since the alarm won’t be going off at the crack of dawn.
I relish hangin’ with my girls — in the kitchen, in the water, on our roadtrips.
I relish the sponaneity of it all.
There is the teeny tiny matter of time and space to write.
And really, I’m talking about headspace here more than anything.
Not so much a room of my own, as a minute or two.
See, the thing that worries me is that my muse is highly unpredictable.
What if she comes wafting through with one of those ideas that keeps me at my kitchen table ’til noon —
still in my jammies, hair like a tumbleweed, writing like a mad woman?
My kids just might have a little issue with that.
Talk about upside, downside.
I guess if I grunt and point with enough oomph, they’ll go grab their clay and pens and join me in the rush of it all?
One can hope.
Stay tuned…
Oh, I’m with you sister. I’m slightly stressed about summer for the very same reason…
Here’s to positive thinking.
Too bad we don’t live close enough for some regular kid swaps 🙂
Upside, downside. Sounds like a picture book to me. 🙂
Laughing about your tumbleweed hair. With me, it’s the giant black glasses and the fifteen year old SCBWI shirt that is faded beyond belief. I’m scar-EE!
Ha! It’s hard to be at all creative when you’re on chauffeur duty and don’t want to leave your kids stranded at the (movies, pool, shopping area, Target–wherever the heck they are).
Summer is my hardest writing time. Hope your muse floats in when the kids out playing with friends!