There has never been anything false about hope

"… Always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way,
nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change…"

— Barack Obama

8 Responses to “There has never been anything false about hope”

  1. houseofglee

    I’m going to start reading the news more studiously again and actually get to a television for the State of the Union addresses. “Hope” has been used so much with this campaign that I’m sure some feel it’s become a cliche, but it’s still holding strong for me. Hope has always carried me further than faith (or rather, the faith has been fused with hope more than solid belief).

    • liz_scanlon

      Sara Lewis Holmes had a really great post today about faith and love and such. Maybe you should quick just skip over and read that before reading the newspaper…

  2. Anonymous


    Elaine M.

    I was worried–but hopeful on Tuesday. I never felt that voting in a presidential election meant more–even more than 1972 when my state was the only one not to gives its electoral votes to Richard Nixon.

    I was elated when the election results were announced. I just hope our country can climb out of the deep hole the present administration has dug for us.

    • liz_scanlon

      Re: Hope

      It IS a deep hole, Elaine. In fact, it was starting to feel sort of bottomless. But we’ve done something pretty courageous, I think. We’ve chosen a more thoughtful, mindful, open and transparent way forward. Or rather, way up…