Today I was hanging out with my youngest.
Who was home from school with strep throat.
Because it’s critical that someone get sick right before a holiday, immediately before an airplane flight, and on the last possible shopping-without-children morning of the holiday season.
Y’know. It’s a law.
And she tells me this story that she made up.
There’s a contest.
“Who can sit on a piece of fruit for 8 days but not rotten it?”
That is the question.
The winner comes up with some incredibly clever papier mache ugly fruit idea. Hard to rotten.
I swear, by the end of it I was ready to throw in the towel.
This was better than half of the books on the shelves.
OK, maybe not half. But a good 37 percent. And definately better than most of my ideas.
I hardly ever feature ugly fruit…
(Grateful for daughters and days off…)
Hope your little one feels better soon! Hope you were able to get everything ready for your trip. Have a wonderful holiday and New Year’s!
She’s better, we went, all’s well!
Happy New Year to you, too!