Witch Camp

It turns out that my younger daughter and her friends from 1st grade are witches.

But it’s not what you think.

There’s not a newt’s eyelash or toadstool to be seen.

Those, apparently, are the stuff of Pell Witches.
(Which is short for Potion-and-Spell. Of course.)

These little gals are Sea Witches, Plant Witches, Water Witches and the like.
A happy, dreamy coven gathered, right now, at my house.
For Witch Camp.

Current activity:
Handbooks, which is no surprise since I’m a word witch.
According to the powers-that-be.

The witches (Ivy, Bellatrix, Pacific, Adilanta and Gail) are debating colors, magic, rules and regulations.

Serious stuff.

Adilanta, who happens to be related to me, seems a little bossy.
Let’s hope nobody turns her into a frog.

Later this week, they’ll be at the other houses, fashioning wands, cooking and storytelling.

And who knows what other types of magic they’ll concoct?
Don’t leave any intact egg shells lying around…

Charm Against an Egg Boat

You must break the shell to bits, for fear
The witches should make it a boat, my dear;
For over the sea, away from home,
Far by night the witches roam.


10 Responses to “Witch Camp”

  1. Anonymous

    I’ve always had an affinity for witches! Tell the girls that Zita and Zacha have left their first note and treats for the Toyland crew!

  2. Anonymous

    I love it.

    At the moment, I’ve got dinosaur-loving princesses in my home. We don’t even do the Disney princess thing really heavily, and they’re still all about princesses.

    (And dinosaurs. Always the dinosaurs.)

    It’s pretty stinkin’ cute.

    Jules, 7-Imp