Poetry Project — May 2019

Sara gave us this month’s challenge, which was to write a French Dizain, a poem with a funky rhyme scheme, ten lines, and ten syllables per line — a square!
This made me think of my birthday — April 4th — 4/4.
I’ve always loved the date but almost aspirationally since it’s rather too orderly for me.
Thus, my dizain.

Myself as Square: A Dizain Self-Portrait

To be born day four of month four, steady
like a kitchen table, solid and square
like the root, multiplying already
into parsed out parts, chromosomal pairs,
orderly goodness and everyday prayers.
But then I turned to fire – giant, hot –
I burned down all the systems I’d been taught.
No longer easily divisible
nor doused, what random figure had I wrought?
Mad entropy — it’s me made visible!

Please enjoy the other dizains here:
Andi, Laura and Kelly are taking a month off but will be back in June!

And our beloved Jama is hosting Poetry Friday at Alphabet Soup, so go see her for poems galore!

Haiku 18 — April 18, 2019

Fences separate
but I only see the space,
the glimpses of light

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku

Haiku 17 — April 17, 2019

Ok, you guys… I’m outside with my dog when my husband pulls up and says, “Are you aware you have a lizard on your back?” I think I just took a 1/2 hour walk with this piggybacker! So… my haiku today:

If you stay awake,
companions are everywhere.
Let us be surprised!

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 16 — April 16, 2019

Is something this old
automatically precious?
Should it just be spent?

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 15 — April 15, 2019

Veins run unfettered
with delicious everythings…
What else do we need?

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 14 — April 14, 2019

What’s more important
than holding something fragile
with soft, open hands?

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 13 — April 13, 2019

I was running but
I think I’ll sit here awhile
upon reflection

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 12 — April 12, 2019

Forgotten onion
still growing, without fanfare
We could learn from that

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

HAIKU 11 — APRIL 11, 2019

**** LOVELY BLOG READERS: I’m so sorry for the haiku delay. I was being SO good at posting my haiku daily on facebook… and Instagram… and Twitter, that I forgot about the blog! I’ve just added the four days that I missed and I’ll keep it up to date from here on out! ****

You’re your own arrow
with an aim both true and high
Way to make a point

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

HAIKU 10 — APRIL 10, 2019

Black holes aren’t vacant —
they devour space, bend time,
resist intrusion

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth