HAIKU 9 — APRIL 9, 2019

I ask each idea
to grow into an ocean
but some just dry up

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

HAIKU 8 — APRIL 8, 2019

There’s plenty of time …
When you kick around in creeks
your days grow longer

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 7 — April 7, 2019

After days of rain
the sky splits open, spills light
like juice from the fruit

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 6 — April 6, 2019

In case you wondered
why you could not stop sneezing:
these indecent trees

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Haiku 5 — April 5, 2019

Meeting a new pup…
getting to know each other…
the whole thing’s a blur

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

Poetry Project — April 2019

I do not know what we got ourselves into this month.
This was the hardest thing! An anagram poem.
(Curses, Linda Baie for making this look so fun and easy last month!)
Why did I find it so so so hard? OK, impossible.
But the clock’s run out of time so here goes….
a pair of anagrams per line.

What can I glean from the angel
at my elbow about what lies below?
What can I parse from her spare
verse (that veers toward
danger), what garden does she
steer me through, what hooked trees
loom in stark detail?

My eyes dilate
as I gaze over the acres that scare me,
at the serpents earth presents.
But then at the bluest sky, too – not subtle,
that goodness. It cannot stifle itself,
this earth – its heart whole, like mine.

Now go check out the others!

And go enjoy Poetry Friday at The Blog With the Shockingly Clever Title!
Happy weekend everyone….

Haiku 4 — April 4, 2019

There’s no gift so great
as the last months with a chick
before she fledges

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #nationalpoetrymonth

P.S. Yes, it’s my birthday. Yes, my youngest made me this birthday card. And yes, she’s a senior in school and ready to launch. My birthday will be quiet next year….

Haiku 3 — April 3, 2019

Sky’s a still gray sea…
waiting for the rain to come
can take the whole day.

#lizsharespoems #30daysofhaiku #NationalPoetryMonth

Haiku 2 — April 2, 2019

Spring cold snap surprise:
What’s a poor blossom to do
but dress in layers?

#LizSharesPoems #30daysofhaiku #NationalPoetryMonth

Haiku 1 — April 1, 2019

Haiku everyday
requires many long hikes.
The dog licks his lips.

I’d love for you to join me in celebrating National Poetry — either by reading or writing a haiku everyday! I’ll be here, on facebook, on Twitter and on Instagram. #LizSharesPoems #30daysofhaiku #NationalPoetryMonth