So, General Mills (yep, the cereal folk) have this really cool literacy initiative that puts books
in the hands of kids via Cheerios boxes!
It’s called Spoonful of Stories.
I love this project.
It’s kind of cloak and dagger altruism:
"We’ll move the books into the house in … in… the spagettios."
"Nope, too messy."
"The fish sticks."
"Nope, too cold."
"The soup."
"Nope, too wet.’
"Ooo, ooo, I know!! The cereal! The cereal! And we’ll get ’em while they’re unawares! They’ll still have sleep in their eyes but boy-oh-man, this’ll clean that out!!"
Right? It’s a really good idea — and then they top that by partnering with First Book to make sure kids in need and programs in need get new books all year round. So, go General Mills!
And … GO VOTE!
‘Cause guess what?
All the World is one of the books nominated for inclusion in next year’s Cheerios boxes!!!
Seriously, you guys!
So, here’s the deal:
I can’t vote, but you can.
In fact, you can vote ONCE A DAY, from now through October 30th.
And in the end, the kind folk from cereal land will take five front-runners and produce special cereal-box-sized copies of those books. And then they’ll pack ’em up and send ’em on to clean the sleep out of the kidlies’ eyes!
The book choices are all mighty fine so I’m not worried either way — it’s just flat-out goodness for the kids.
But I am a little biased and I think it might be pretty swell to have some of them waking up to a copy of All the World.
So, if you’re so inclined, pop on over and cast your ballot.
(Today and tomorrow and the next bunch of days, too, if you’re so inclined…)
Cheers… errrr… Cheerios!