BLUE — HAIKU 21 — APRIL 21, 2022

“Why is the sky blue?” is one of the world’s most common questions.

The answer is that sunlight is actually made up of all the colors in the rainbow, but when it hits the Earth’s atmosphere, the light scatters. Blue light, with it’s short, small waves, scatters the most (attention-grabber that it is) so that’s what we see.

And next in our list of common questions: “Why is the ocean blue?”

The answer is that water absorbs the colors with longer wavelengths first. So the blue (again! show off!) is the color we see.

Y’all probably already knew all that, and I did too, but for some reason it’s one of those things I need a regular refresher on. The details escape me. So here they are again, scattered waves and all.


Waves of blue scatter
overwhelm the elements
till it’s all we see
