Divergence — Haiku 6 — April 6, 2023

I’m learning a lot about weather dynamics this week. For example, divergence is a phenomenon that occurs when air is pushed out of an area (by wind), resulting in low atmospheric pressure, aka very little air, aka emptiness, aka a vacuum. And it’s related to tomorrow’s word – convergence – so stay tuned!

Haiku 6

Today races by –
nature abhors a vacuum.
What will take its place?


One Response to “Divergence — Haiku 6 — April 6, 2023”

  1. Leslie Degnan

    What an interesting phenomena! I didn’t know about this. I’ve been hearing more lately about the power and destruction of wind. It gave me pause when I had to get on a plane yesterday and fly across the country! I’m enjoying your haiku!
    Leslie Degnan